Importance of Solitude ~ Alone Time

The famous poet, Kahlil Gibran said, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.”

Men need time with other men to nourish their masculine energy.

Women need time with other women to nourish their feminine energy.

Once a month or every quarter, plan something with your friends.

This alone can revitalize a romantic relationship!




Work-Life Balance

Friendships Nourished

Community Strengthened





Values Clarification

Improve Communication

Build Trust

Resolve Conflicts

…the list goes on…


Living every day to the fullest keeps the energy in your relationship from becoming stagnant. Plan to do those hobbies which your partner likes the least. So, hubby goes fishing or backpacking, while she goes for a spa weekend.

Sometimes, you can get alone time while traveling with your beloved.

That can actually feel reassuring that you can fully be yourself and continue to grow as an individual. This way, you have more to contribute to the relationship. Breathe new life into your together time by venturing off on your own once & awhile.

Each couple, each partner has to feel for the right balance, given his or her sensibilities. Love is such a Gift from God. We must cherish it. So, we cherish the Love we can feel for ourselves, loving ourselves as God surely does.

We can love each other as God surely does.

As we attain higher planes of consciousness, more compassionate, more joyful, we sparkle brighter than a midnight sky! Maybe as bright as the Sun in a clear blue, summer sky.

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